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Lesson Plans

Each of our product listings includes a link to a lesson plan on how to use that particular material. If you would like to go deeper and see how the whole curriculum fits together, you may wish to read our Albums for Teacher Education.

Click below to read more about each of the main areas of the prepared early childhood environment (scope & sequence).

Video Lesson Plans

You can watch all of our video lesson plans on our YouTube channel. Or, click the topic below to jump straight to the videos you need.

Written Lesson Plans

Here is easy access to the lesson plans that we link and include with each product. You can also link to these directly from any product's page on our website.

Giving Lessons

Read our blog post on How to give a Montessori Lesson.

Key points: Be sure to practice your presentation alone or with a friend many times before presenting any materials to a child... you want your presentation to be flawless, precise, consistent/repeatable, and completely free from distractions so that the child can focus on, connect with, and learn from the materials.  Each lesson is like a choreographed dance that you memorize the movements for. Your performance of the movements must be precise but your interactions with an individual child will of course vary somewhat as you adapt to meet the needs of the moment. This flexibility amidst precision is the true art of guiding children. 

You can learn more about the overall structure of a Montessori school from AMI USA. All of these guidelines were developed to respect the natural tendencies of human beings (Mario Montessori's Human Tendencies).