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Teacher Manuals

Teacher Manuals

Elevate your teaching with Maitri Learning's research-backed teacher education manuals. Each manual includes lesson plans for a complete curriculum. Rooted in the AMI/Dwyer approach and updated with current science, these cohesive albums unify curriculum across subjects. Our manuals provide a comprehensive, brain-based foundation for Montessori teacher preparation that integrates cognitive neuroscience, neurodevelopmental principles, and authentic Montessori teachings.

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6 products


All Five Albums (EC) - Maitri LearningAll Five Albums (EC) - Maitri Learning
All Five Albums (EC) Sale priceFrom $145.95 USD
Cultural Album (EC) - Maitri LearningCultural Album (EC) - Maitri Learning
Cultural Album (EC) Sale priceFrom $29.95 USD
Teacher Favorite Language Album (EC) - Maitri LearningLanguage Album (EC) - Maitri Learning
Language Album (EC) Sale priceFrom $29.95 USD
Math Album (EC) - Maitri LearningMath Album (EC) - Maitri Learning
Math Album (EC) Sale priceFrom $29.95 USD
Practical Life Album (EC) - Maitri LearningPractical Life Album (EC) - Maitri Learning
Practical Life Album (EC) Sale priceFrom $29.95 USD
Sensorial Album (EC) - Maitri LearningSensorial Album (EC) - Maitri Learning
Sensorial Album (EC) Sale priceFrom $29.95 USD

More Information:

Teacher Manuals

Do you need the entire scope and sequence for a developmentally-appropriate early childhood program? You are in the right place.

Our Montessori Teaching Manuals are designed for teachers in primary/early childhood classrooms (ages 3 to 6+). These early childhood albums are a great support for: 

  • School leaders who need to create a common, school-wide approach across classrooms where teachers have diverse trainings
  • Montessori Instructors/Teacher Trainers and their students
  • Trained Montessori guides looking to increase their knowledge and understanding of the pedagogy and align their practice with the authentic teachings of Dr. Montessori 

Note: These albums alone are no substitute for a teacher preparation program.

Click below to see a preview of the contents and selected lessons from each album.

montessori math teacher album

From our Founder

julia volkman

"I am offering these albums because science can not study what is hidden. If we want the Montessori method to be validated through research, we must make the method known to those who would study it. We can look to the success of other manualized programs (like cognitive behavioral therapy) as a model to help improve our teacher education programs."

- Julia Volkman, ALM (Harvard), AMI (3 to 6+)

The Maitri Album Difference

Our albums are grounded in the AMI/Dwyer approach with the added insight of current research. You can read more about the albums in our blog post on Montessori Manuals/Albums. Learn how they can be used in an authentic teacher preparation program in our blog post on Teacher Education

Our albums are:

  • Cohesive:  Unified across the curriculum (sensorial is aligned with math, etc.)
  • Brain-based:  Infused with the teachings of cognitive neuroscience, neuropsychology, neurobiology, and MBE (mind, brain, and education)

Choose your Format

You can purchase our albums in three different formats:

  1. View-only digital PDF on our Google Drive (no printing/downloading available)
  2. Hard-copy that includes view-only access to the album on our Google drive (3-hole punch, high-quality paper, no binders/tabs included)
  3. Printable/Viewable Digital PDC file that requires our secure viewing software (can be viewed/printed offline only from a Mac or Windows PC; will not work from Chromebooks)

Page counts are listed here for your reference.

 Album Name Instructor's Album Pages Student's Album Pages
Cultural Album
152 110
Language Album 210 142
Math Album 254
Practical Life Album 322 228
Sensorial Album 228 166

Personal Use

Your purchase gives you license to use your file for your personal use. You do not have license to copy, sell, or in anyway distribute/share the printed product or the file itself.


Need an ISBN list for academic/university purchases? Here it is!